
Membina ayat

1) Lembu Lembu itu berwarna putih. 2)Khutbah  Khutbah ini menceritakan tentang solat. 3)Daging Adik tidak suka  makan daging. 4)Darah Darah itu mengalir dari tanganya. 5)Makanan Makanan kegemaran ibu saya ialah nasi goreng. 6)Menakutkan  Cerita itu sangat menakutkan. 7)Masjid Ayah pergi ke masjid untuk sembahyang Asar. 8)Jemaah Jemaah selalu dibuat di masjid. 9)Al-Quran Saya dan ibu mengaji Al-Quran di rumah. 10)Kawan Kawan saya yang bernama Nurin pergi ke jepun. 11)Membeli Ibu pergi ke pasar membeli makanan. 12)Khemah Saya dan abang memasang khemah di luar. 13)Ziarah Ziarah itu adalah satu perbuatan yang baik. 14)Kambing Kambing itu disembelih oleh penduduk kampung. 15)Sedeqah Di sekolah ada sebuah progam sedeqah. 16)Mencuri Perompak itu mencuri barang dari rumah itu. 17)Pisang Adik memakan pisang sambil menonton TV di ruang tamu. 18)Azan  Azan itu dilaungkan oleh ayah di masjid.

My favourite sport

            My favourite sport is cycling. It can help your legs to be stronger. I like the sport because you can use it to go anywhere. I play the bicycle on the weekends sometimes.            How to ride a bicycle. First, you adjust the bike seat. Then test the brakes. After that place one foot on the ground and start cycling. Last keep your eyes straight ahead.            You have to ride on a smooth,flat,low traffic and comfortable place. When you are riding the make sure to wear riding gears and a helmet to be safe.

Cuti sekolah

          Sesuatu hari Nur dan Jas menikmati sarapan. Mereka bercakap tenteng cuti sekolah mereka. Nur: Assalamualaikum Jas. Jas: Walaikumusalam Nur. Nur: Awak pergi mana cuti sekolah? Jas: Saya tak pergi mana-mana.          Tiba-tiba Icha datang dan bersarapan bersama kami. Icha: Assalam Nur dan Jas. Nur dan Jas: Waalaikumusalam icha. Icha: Nur dan Jas cakap tentang apa? Nur: Kami bercerita tentang cuti sekolah. Icha: saya cuti sekolah pergi Japan. Nur dan Jas: JAPAN! Nur: Di situ ada apa? Icha: Dekat situ ada tema permainan dan makanan yang pelik seperti dragon breath. Jas: Awak pergi dengan siapa? Icha: Saya pergi dengan keluarga saya. Nur: Jom masuk kelas. Icha dan Jas: Okay.

1 fascinating fact about Physics

         Today I will be telling you 1 fascinating fact about Physics. The fact is about friction. Friction is when you pull two things together it is called friction.           Friction is important in the world because it slows down or prevents slipping or sliding motion. It allows you to walk, turn a corner on your bike or do other things.           Friction can do other things but that is all from me. Thank you

Writing Challenge Day #3

           What are you top 3 pet peeves?  1) When people eat with their mouth open while eating   I don't like it because of the sound. And I don't like to look at it too.It's kind of a bad to eat with your mouth.  2) When poeple act cute  I don't like it because it's annoying. When you don't give them what they want , they will tell someone and blame you.  3) When gum is stuck on something  I don't like it because sometimes it's hard to peel it off a shoe. When it is stuck on the hair it's really hard to get it off.

Writing Challenge Day #2

          Write something that someone told you about that you will never forget 1) Quiet  People always say I am quiet because I don't talk a lot. My sister and little brother don't but me and my brother are quiet. I always talk with my friends but not to others often. 2) Shy  People say I'm shy because I don't talk a lot. I'm not shy with my friends. People say I'm shy because I don't answer questions often and stuff like that.

Writing Challemge Day #1

          List 10 things that make you really happy 1) Cats 2) Candy 3) Play games 4) Watching TV 5) Not sharing bedroom 6) Go on vacation 7) Shopping 8) Organized things 9)  10)